Welcome to the GAIN Gift Aid Declaration Storing and Retrieving Program


GAIN  is pleased to release the BETA version of the" Gift Aid Declaration Storing and Retrieving Program

This program has been developed to provide the small to medium sired charities with a simple but efficient online Gift Aid Declaration Storing and Retrieving functionality. We realise that many charities do not have the resources for very sophisticated Gift Aid Declaration Storing and Retrieving Programs. At the same time it is essential that they are able to store and retrieve their  Gift Aid Declarations when requested by HMRC or other bodies or even their own supporters and donors.

The GAIN  Gift Aid Declaration storing  and retrieving system is designed to be simple and straight forward and comprises the following steps

·       Retrieve Gift Aid Declarations which you have previously up loaded onto the system

·       Upload additional Gift Aid Declarations onto the system as you require.




1.     .This program is currently under development and is subject to change and modification. You are strongly advised to check and ensure that you have secure backups of all scanned documents and GAIN  and its employees take no responsibility for the security of your scanned Gift Aid Declarations or any claims made based on the use of this program.

2.     You will be provided with a username and password and it is your responsibility to ensure that this information is kept secure. The program operates through the internet and whilst the information is secure, it is your responsibility to ensure that the username and password are maintained securely to avoid unauthorized access.

3.     In order to comply with Gift Aid, it is necessary to capture full donor details, including name and address. Should you not wish to store this data on the system, it is possible for the specific detail to be retained by you and to identify the donor by the ID alone. Please discuss this with us, as this will require additional work before you can submit a Gift Aid claim.

4.     PAYMENT and FEES. At this stage The system is being offered at no cost and at this time there is no intention to charge for the basic system. In the event that it is decided that charges are to be introduced you will be given two calendar months notice.  Charges will however be incurred should your charity decide to utilize GAIN to carry out any services on your behalf. The cost for these services will be agreed on a case by case basis. the services of GAIN

5.     DATA and OWNERSHIP. All data remains the property of your charity. You have the right at any time to cease using the system and on request GAIN  will provide all your data in electronic means by email or by other means as we shall determine. Any expense including but not limited to duplications charges and postage will be charged at cost  GAIN  will have no further obligation to your charity once it has provide all the data in this format. Any additional assistance will be provided on a fee basis.

6.     Provision of Service. This program is provided 'as is'. No guarantees, explicit or otherwise, are given in terms of accuracy of data or information or continuation of service.

7.     DISCLAIMER  Whilst we have tested the program and believe it to operate fully and in compliance with HMRC rules and regulations, GAIN  and its employees take no responsibility for the proper performance or accuracy of this program and by registering with GAIN  you are deemed to have accepted all of these conditions.


Barry Gower

GAIN - Gift Aid Consultants

51 Love Lane




Tel  02088681307

Mob 07910391653




10th May 2020